
You’re a Target for Hackers, and Here’s Why (Part 2)

It’s Not You, It’s… Everyone

If you’re one of the millions of people who think they aren’t a target for cybercriminals—because hey, why would you be?—this information is for you. 

We hate to be the bearers of bad news but: you essentially are a target, because, well, everyone is. If you think you’re too small, not rich enough, or not important enough to be desirable to a hacker, you’re an ideal victim. 

It can seem counterintuitive, so let’s use an analogy. 

Have you ever noticed car thieves never go for the super fancy Lamborghini sitting outside a hotel? 

Instead, they find a Toyota with a bent fender and the door unlocked…and boom, they’re off. 

Thieves—whether they’re after your wheels or your personal information—know two things for sure. 

  1. Higher-ticket items are higher risk. Things like Wall Street bank accounts and Maseratis are going to be well protected. You’re way more likely to get caught and penalized when you do. 
  1. Vulnerability is opportunity. A thief is much more likely to steal a car, or an identity, from someone who has left their car door unlocked, or used “Admin123” as their password. 

See the parallel? In both the real and cyber worlds, a lot of criminal behavior is opportunistic. 

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Big organizations like banks, governments, and universities usually have the resources to invest in their own cyber protection. They are still targeted by hackers looking for money and information, but a strong cybersecurity readiness plan deters a lot of attempts up front. 

On the flip side, smaller companies and individuals tend not even to know how to engage with cybersecurity, much less invest time and money into it! 

On top of that foundational difference, it’s important to note that you as a human being aren’t very likely to be a specific target. In fact, studies show cybercriminals don’t really target based on industry, people, or types of business; instead, they target based on exploitable vulnerabilities. 

In the car analogy, those vulnerabilities might be leaving the car unlocked, or windows down. It could mean pulling up at a gas station and leaving the keys in the ignition because you’re just running in for a second. 

You can immediately understand how your actions (locking the car, parking in a well-lit area), might help reduce those vulnerabilities. 

In the digital landscape, these vulnerabilities might be shared passwords, not having MFA enabled, or an unpatched piece of software. For example, they might target any Microsoft user who hasn’t updated to Windows 10. Or they might target any WordPress website that uses a specific plugin…or, they might leverage a weak password to move laterally in the network.

…Any of these sound possible in your business? 

We’re willing to bet so, because all of these possibilities stem from common habits around digital hygiene. 

Happily, there are ways you can reduce vulnerabilities, for yourself and for your business…and Stratti can make it a safe, seamless process.  

Want to learn how to be smarter than the hackers out there? Get started with a 15-minute assessment with our experts now.